
Books & Book Chapters


Miletic V, Milenkovic A. (Editors). Handbook of LGBT Psychotherapy. UMZ, Belgrade, 2015.


Miletic V. Construction of homosexuality and the (im)possibility of emancipation. Chapter in: Stojcic M, Petrovic M (Eds). Homophobia and Internalized Homophobia in Serbia. Center for Queer Studies, Belgrade, Serbia, 2016.


Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals


Janovic J, Slijepcevic V, Miletic V. Depression and suicidal behavior in LGB and heterosexual populations in Serbia and their differences: Cross-sectional study. PLoS ONE 15(6):e0234188. June 2020. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0234188

Stojnov D, Miletic V, Dzinovic V. Subjectivity: Kelly’s Discourse and Foucault’s Constructs. Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017

Miletic V, Stojnov D. The Dewey Family Reunion: Kelly’¨s Man-the-Scientist Meets Rorty’s Ironist. Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14 2017

Miletic V. A Prelude to an Inquiry into the Interplay of Personal and Social Meanings: Freud, Kelly & Bauman. Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 13, 2016

Lukovi Adzic J, Miletic V, Ratkovic N, Aleksic D, Grgurevic A. Self-Medication Practices among Belgrade University Medical Students. PlosOne 2014

Miletic V, Lukovic Adzic J, Ratkovic N, Aleksic D, Grgurevic A. Demographic risk factors for suicide and depression among Serbian medical school student. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiology. 2014 Sep 10

Pejovic Milovancevic M, Tenjovic L, Ispanovic V|, Mitkovic M, Mincic T, Kircanski Radosavljev J, Miletic V, Tosevski Lecic D. Psychopathology and resilience in relation to abuse in childhood among youth first referred to psychiatrist. Vojnosanitet Pregl.

Pejovic – Milovancevic M, Miletic V, Anganostopoulos D, Raleva M, Stancheva V, Burgic – Radmanovic M, Barac – Otasevic Z, Ispanovic V. Management in child and adolescent psychiatry: how does it look like in the Balkans? Psychiatrike 2014 Jan-Mar;25(1):48-54.

Milovancevic MP, Miletic V, Deusic SP, Gajic SD, Tosevski DL. Depression with Psychotic Features in a Child with SLE: Successful Therapy with Psychotropic Medications – Case Report. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2013 Apr; 22(4):247-50.

Pejovic-Milovancevic M, Miletic V, Popovic-Deusic S, Draganic-Gajic S, Lecic-Tosevski D, Marotic V. Psychotropic Medication Use in Children and Adolescents in an Inpatient Setting. Psychiatrike. 2011 Oct-Dec; 22(4):314-9.

Adzic J, Miletic V, Pejovic Milovancevic M, Jevtovic Dj. Depression in HIV+ Patients. Psihijatrija danas. 12/2012; 2(44):161. [Article in Serbian]

Miletic V, Marotic V, Pejovic Milovancevic M, Perunicic I. Depression and Chronic Somatic Illnesses. Psihijatrija danas. 01/2009; 41:55-64. [Article in Serbian]

Marotic V, Miletic V, Pejovic Milovancevic M. Adolescents’ Attitudes Towards Mental Health Problems.  Psihijatrija danas. 01/2010; 42:17-25. [Article in Serbian]


Conference Presentations

Miletic V. The Troubling Relationality of Borderline Personality Disorder. European Congress for Personal Construct Psychology. Padua, Italy, 2022.

Miletic V. What we learned from treating 3000 BFRB clients with our online programs (for skin picking) and (for trichotillomania). TLC Virtual Conference, 2021.

Stojnov D, Miletic V, Dzinovic V. Refusing to be What You Are and Becoming What You Have Never Been: The Very Unlikely Psycho-Political Coalition Between Kelly and Foucault. European Congress for Personal Construct Psychology. Padua, Italy, 2016.

Miletic V. Irony & Personal Construct Psychology: Plenary Round Table. European Congress for Personal Construct Psychotherapy. Padua, Italy, 2016.

Miletic V. Mindfulness Practice and its Integration in Psychotherapy. Workshop in Belgrade, 2016.

Miletic V. LGBT Rights in the Healthcare System in Serbia: Progress, Issues and Challenges. Heinrich Boell Foundation, Warsaw, Poland, 2015.

Miletic V. Mindfulness for Depression – Philosophy, Neuroscience, and Technique. 2nd Festival of Body and Psychotherapy, “Body as a Compass in Life”. Belgrade, Serbia, 2013.

Miletic V, Garibovic E, Sreckovic N. Development of Autistic Symptoms – What Do Parents First Notice? 2nd Congress of the Serbian Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Zlatibor, Serbia, 2013.

Miletic V, Cobeljic V. The Serial Invalidation Hypothesis and Constructivist Psychotherapy with Psychotic Clients. The 11th Conference of European Personal Construct Association – Raising Constructivist Voices: Anticipating 21st Century Challenges. Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 2012.

Garibovic E, Miletic V, Pejovic Milovancevic M. Landau-Kleffner Syndrome: Problems of Differential Diagnosis with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Speech Development Disorders – A Case Report. III Congress of Psychiatric Association for Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Belgrade, Serbia, 2012.